Lynn Schultz  LCSW



"The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it."

                                                                                                                                      Marcus Aurelius

Looking around, we see change everywhere.  Many things we counted on...job security, the way people communicate, family structures. the strength of the dollar, social safety nets, political security...are in flux.  As the world changes, it's important to remember that we too are changing.  We go through life, our relationships evolve, children get older, we learn, build and grow, build upon our accomplishments, understand our mistakes and look for new challenges and satisfactions.  As we integrate new experiences we are constantly challenged to redefine ourselves, our needs and desires.  Often we get stuck.  Without realizing it we find ourselves looking for old answers to take us into the future to new places.  Alternatively, we can be seduced by newness and lose sight of ourselves.  How do we balance it all?  How can we look for what works?  for what we need? for what feeds, challenges and sustains us?  How can we think new thoughts about our lives? 

How can we learn to Re-Imagine?
Re-Imagining is a process of looking the kaleidoscope of your life... your work, your relationships and your world...and seeing how the pieces fit together best.  It assesses your strengths, needs and desires to help you redefine your possibilities.  We will leave behind the platitudes and find a new understanding that addresses your unique personality and life choices.  Drawing on traditional psychotherapy techniques, cognitive behavioral theory, business and management consultation.  Re-Imagining builds upon your strengths to work through the areas that keep you stuck.

As our world continues to evolve in unexpected ways, this is a good time to ask yourself "Should I be Re-Imagining my life?"

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