Lynn Schultz  LCSW

Family/Divorce Mediation Coaching
Separation and divorce are among the most painful and wrenching events that a couple or family can experience.  The traditional adversarial legal process often makes the process even more traumatic and costly, emotionally and financially, to all members of the family.  Mediation offers you  A BETTER WAY.

Mediation is a non-adversarial process that aims at reducing tension, not increasing it.  With the help of a mediator you make your own decisions about what will work best for you and your family.  You  negotiate your own settlement and learn ways of resolving future conflicts without trapping your children in the middle.  Mediation helps you work things out productively with your spouse or partner in spite of the anger or hurt.

With a mediator's help agreements can be crafted to address both immediate and long range concerns.   We look at the issues that are relevant to you and help you develop possible options.  You will actively participate in negotiating a reasonable and mutually satisfactory agreement for both parties.  If children are involved we will help you separate your spousal role which is ending from your parental role which will continue.  We will help you evaluate your present financial condition and provide for your future needs.

Our job is to help you reach a fair and satisfactory agreement.  You, not the mediator, will make the decisions.  Looking at your best mutual interests means there are no winners or losers.  The mediator does not advocate for either party.  Rather, we make sure that you are informed about your decisions, options and their consequences and that neither party gives away too much or unfairly dominates.

As needed we will call upon our network of experts to address specific problems.  After mediation, a consulting attorney will draft the legal agreement which will become a binding contract.  Before signing it most people have an independent attorney review the contract which may then be used as the basis for an uncontested divorce.

It is often hard to "see straight" while considering or going through a separation or divorce.  Mediation Coaching is designed to work with people through this time of crisis to help see problems more clearly and make good decisions that can be a foundation for your future plans.  A therapist who is a certified mediator can help you look at your various options, address obstacles and help create the best solutions for you.
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